WordPress – page access restriction

Faced just the task of restricting access to a specific page on a site created on WordPress. Those. the task seems to be simple: if the user has not logged in, he cannot access information on a specific page. But in fact, without picking in the code, implementing it is not so simple.

However – this is Worpdress! Despite the openness of the code, the platform enjoys well-deserved popularity – below is a slice of the popularity of CMS-systems in Runet, on the basis of which the leadership of WordPress is quite obvious:
Популярность CMS-систем за 2-й квартал 2015 года

It is thanks to the openness of the system with the help of plug-ins for inexperienced users in coding that it becomes possible to customize the engine of their own mind. You can solve almost any problem and the problem I mentioned above – restricting access to the page – was perfectly solved with the help of the plugin WP-Members .

The plugin installation process is standard:
1. Download the plug-in to your hard drive
2. Upload via FTP to the server in the folder /wp-content/plugins/
3. Activate the plugin in the control panel.

плагин WP-Members
Or – go to the link:
and enter the name of the required plug-in in the search bar: WP-Members, after which we install and activate it.

Immediately after activating the plugin, you will be redirected to the settings page, where you can specify the rules for its use. You can restrict access to both pages and posts on the site. An interesting feature of the plugin is the ability to create an announcement of the record – i.e. an unauthorized user can see the fragment of the record that you highlighted, but get to know the full text only after the registration or verification procedure.

In addition – in the plugin control panel you can specify the address of the user registration and authorization page – a very convenient option if you suddenly want to create an individualized page of this procedure that is different from the standard one in WordPress.

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