Category Archives: Lifehacks

Setting the selection of the active video card in Xiaomi Air 13.3

Hello to all! Recently I met a man with a similar laptop (Xiaomi Air 13.3), who was cursing at a weak video card. We looked at the settings – it turns out that the second video card simply did not connect when needed;) On this occasion, I decided to share information on how to correctly select the active video card in Xiaomi Air 13.3 – in case you suddenly updated the system, installed everything drivers – and when working with Adobe After Effects or Adobe Premiere Pro, you don’t feel the promised speed. Continue reading Setting the selection of the active video card in Xiaomi Air 13.3

Openpyxl – how to change font and color in a cell?

Hello to all! In continuation of articles on working with Openpyxl today, let’s try to figure out: how to change the font and color in a cell?

We’ll begin to understand – and for practical purposes, create an Excel file in which we will create a cell with text that will be:

  • Have some size
  • Colour
  • Underline
  • Incline
  • The text will be bold

We begin to code:

  1. import openpyxl #Connect the library
  2. from openpyxl import Workbook
  3. from openpyxl.styles import PatternFill#Connect cell styles
  4. from openpyxl.workbook import Workbook
  5. from openpyxl.styles import Font, Fill#Connect styles for text
  6. from openpyxl.styles import colors#Connect colors for text and cells
  7. wb = openpyxl.Workbook() #Create book
  8. work_sheet = wb.create_sheet(title=’Test sheet’) #Created a sheet with a name and made it active
  10. work_sheet['A1'] = 'Test text'
  11. work_sheet_a1 = work_sheet['A5']#Created a variable that contains cell A1 with the existing text
  12. work_sheet_a1.font = Font(size=23, underline='single', color='FFBB00', bold=True, italic=True) #We apply the following parameters to the text: size - 23, underline, color = FFBB00 (text color is specified in RGB), bold, oblique. If we do not need a bold font, we use the construction: bold = False. We act similarly if we do not need an oblique font: italic = False.
  14. Important: if necessary, the possibility of using standard colors is included in the styles, but the code in this case will look different:
  15. work_sheet_a1.font = Font(size=23, underline='single', color = colors.RED, bold=True, italic=True) #what color = colors.RED — color prescribed in styles
  16. work_sheet_a1.fill = PatternFill(fill_type='solid', start_color='ff8327', end_color='ff8327')#This code allows you to do design color cells

Important: to work with the design of columns or rows, another algorithm is used, which we will talk about later.

By the way, below is the code for a simple program that creates a page and writes text in cells from a unit to the specified one.

  1. import openpyxl #Подключаем библиотеку
  2. from openpyxl.styles import Font, Fill
  3. wb = openpyxl.Workbook() #Создали книгу
  4. work_sheet = wb.create_sheet(title='Test sheet') #Создали лист с названием и сделали его активным
  5. a = int(input('Введите а: '))
  6. cell_a = 'A'
  7. i = 1
  8. while i <= a:
  9.     i = str(i)
  10.     cell = cell_a + i
  11.     work_sheet[cell] = 'Test text'
  12.     work_sheet_a1 = work_sheet[cell]
  13.     work_sheet_a1.font = Font(size=i)
  14.     i = int(i)
  15.     i = i + 1

Thanks for attention! On a topic that sounds like “Openpyxl – how to change the font and color in a cell” – there is nothing more to say ? Do not forget to repost ?

Clickable HTML table

Hello everyone! Today we will get acquainted with the code that allows you to create a table that opens / closes by clicking using HTML. Why – you decide, I was faced with this task while working on a site where the price list is located on almost every page and has about 200 items – a kind of sheet that does not decorate the page. I’ll emphasize right away – I didn’t do the code, but why not share the beautiful? Moreover, adaptation to your needs is extremely simple. Continue reading Clickable HTML table

Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 – how to save a frame to a file?

Hello friends! This afternoon I was faced with the issue of saving the frame from the video. Of course, the good old PrnScr could make things easier, but … are we learning Adobe Premiere Pro, sort of? So – let’s go the right way and learn how to save the frame to a file.

Despite the long introductory text, everything is extremely simple:
1. In the Time line window, select the frame we need: Continue reading Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 – how to save a frame to a file?