Windows – Pytesseract library not working

Hello everybody! In case you are looking for an answer to the question “the Pytesseract library does not work” or you see the text “TesseractNotFoundError: tesseract is not installed or it’s not in your path” in Windows – I share my own experience – you need to add the path to Tesseract in the environment variables. And everything will work. And yes, the most annoying thing is to install the library in Python – it’s easy, but it turns out that you also need to install the files on Windows.

You can download the files just in case from link and install: C: /Program Files/Tesseract-OCR/, or google – your boss.

In addition – link to libraries with files of supported languages 🙂

That’s all for the question of why the Pytesseract library does not work 🙂 Thanks for your attention. If you have any questions – write to mail , or in Telegram.