Python - конвертер метрических и не метрических величин

Python – converter of metric and non-metric units

Hello everyone!

I haven’t coded for almost two months because I didn’t have time. As a result, I’ve forgotten a lot, and some things are on the verge of being forgotten 🙂 To avoid losing what I’ve learned, I quickly put together a calculator that converts between metric and non-metric units.

Everything is very simple – if, elif, print.

var = int(input('1: Metric to Imperial\n2: Imperial to Metric\n'))
if var == 1:
print('Conversion from Metric to Imperial')
conversion = int(input('What are we converting: \n 1. Temperature\n 2. Weight\n 3. Length\n 4. Volume\n 5. Speed\n '))
# Temperature conversion
if conversion == 1:
temperature = int(input(' 1. Celsius -> Fahrenheit\n 2. Celsius -> Kelvin\n'))
if temperature == 1:
value_temperature = float(input('How many degrees Celsius? :\n'))
print(value_temperature, 'degrees Celsius is', round((((9/5) * value_temperature + 32)), 2), 'degrees Fahrenheit')
elif temperature == 2:
value_temperature = float(input('How many degrees Celsius? :\n'))
print(value_temperature, 'degrees Celsius is', round((value_temperature + 273.15), 2), 'Kelvin')
# Weight conversion
elif conversion == 2:
mass = int(input(' 1. Kilograms -> Pounds\n 2. Grams -> Ounces \n'))
if mass == 1:
value_mass = float(input('How many kilograms? :\n'))
print(value_mass, 'kilograms is', round((value_mass * 2.20462), 2), 'pounds')
elif mass == 2:
value_mass = float(input('How many grams? :\n'))
print(value_mass, 'grams is', round((value_mass * 0.035274), 2), 'ounces')
# Length conversion
elif conversion == 3:
length = int(input(' 1. Kilometers -> Miles\n 2. Meters -> Yards\n 3. Meters -> Feet\n 4. Centimeters -> Inches\n 5. Millimeters -> Inches \n'))
if length == 1:
value_length = float(input('How many kilometers? :\n'))
print(value_length, 'kilometers is', round((value_length * 1.60934), 2), 'miles')
elif length == 2:
value_length = float(input('How many meters? :\n'))
print(value_length, 'meters is', round((value_length * 1.09361), 2), 'yards')
elif length == 3:
value_length = float(input('How many meters? :\n'))
print(value_length, 'meters is', round((value_length / 0.3048), 2), 'feet')
elif length == 4:
value_length = float(input('How many centimeters? :\n'))
print(value_length, 'centimeters is', round((value_length * 2.5400013716), 2), 'inches')
elif length == 5:
value_length = float(input('How many millimeters? :\n'))
print(value_length, 'millimeters is', round((value_length / 0.0393701), 2), 'inches')
# Volume conversion
elif conversion == 4:
volume = int(input(' 1. Liters -> Gallons\n 2. Liters -> Pints\n'))
if volume == 1:
value_volume = float(input('How many liters? : '))
print(value_volume, 'liters is', round((value_volume / 3.785411784), 2), 'gallons')
elif volume == 2:
value_volume = float(input('How many liters? :\n'))
print(value_volume, 'liters is', round((value_volume / 0.56826125), 2), 'pints')
# Speed conversion
elif conversion == 5:
speed = float(input('How many kilometers per hour? : '))
print(speed, 'km/h is', round((speed / 1.60934), 2), 'mph')
elif var == 2:
print('Conversion from Imperial to Metric')
conversion = int(input('What are we converting: \n 1. Temperature\n 2. Weight\n 3. Length\n 4. Volume\n 5. Speed\n '))
# Temperature conversion
if conversion == 1:
temperature = int(input(' 1. Fahrenheit -> Celsius\n 2. Kelvin -> Celsius\n'))
if temperature == 1:
value_temperature = float(input('How many degrees Fahrenheit? :\n'))
print(value_temperature, 'degrees Fahrenheit =', round(((5/9) * (value_temperature - 32)), 2), 'Celsius')
elif temperature == 2:
value_temperature = float(input('How many degrees Kelvin? :\n'))
print(value_temperature, 'Kelvin =', value_temperature - 273.15, 'Celsius')
# Weight conversion
if conversion == 2:
mass = int(input(' 1. Pounds -> Kilograms\n 2. Ounces -> Grams\n'))
if mass == 1:
value_mass = float(input('How many pounds? :\n'))
print(value_mass, 'pounds is', round((value_mass * 0.453592), 2), 'kilograms')
elif mass == 2:
value_mass = float(input('How many ounces? :\n'))
print(value_mass, 'ounces is', round((value_mass * 28.3), 2), 'grams')
# Length conversion
if conversion == 3:
length = int(input(' 1. Miles -> Kilometers\n 2. Yards -> Meters\n 3. Feet -> Meters\n 4. Inches -> Centimeters\n'))
if length == 1:
value_length = float(input('How many miles? :\n'))
print(value_length, 'miles =', round((value_length / 0.621371), 2), 'kilometers')
elif length == 2:
value_length = float(input('How many yards? :\n'))
print(value_length, 'yards =', round((value_length / 0.9144), 2), 'meters')
elif length == 3:
value_length = float(input('How many feet? :\n'))
print(value_length, 'feet =', round((value_length / 3.28084), 2), 'meters')
elif length == 4:
value_length = float(input('How many inches? :\n'))
print(value_length, 'inches =', round((value_length / 0.393701), 2), 'centimeters')
# Volume conversion
if conversion == 4:
volume = int(input(' 1. Gallons -> Liters\n 2. Pints -> Liters\n'))
if volume == 1:
value_volume = float(input('How many gallons? : \n'))
print(value_volume, 'gallons =', round((value_volume * 3.785411784), 2), 'liters')
if volume == 2:
value_volume = float(input('How many pints? : \n'))
print(value_volume, 'pints =', round((value_volume * 0.473176473), 2), 'liters')
# Speed conversion
if conversion == 5:
speed = float(input('How many miles per hour? :\n'))
print(speed, 'mph =', round((speed * 1.60934), 2), 'km/h')

Any questions? Ask me 🙂

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