FileZilla настройки

Filezilla Server – setup and usage

FTP server on a laptop. And it’s not foolish at all, but a strict necessity if you: write and debug code, create a website, or … well, there are many options. The main thing is not to forget to install Filezilla Server, which will help solve this issue. And how to deal with this beast – read below.

I will say right away that we will not delve into the principles of FTP operation. If you have questions – ask 🙂

Actually, the installation is simple. Download the distribution from the developer’s website and start the installation. At the very beginning of the installation, it is important to choose the type of installation that you need:
– Standard – suitable if you need an installation from scratch for full-scale server operation on your local machine.
– Full – completely corresponds to the first installation option, but in addition, the source code of the program will be installed in the folder. Well, just in case you want to dig into it or change something 🙂
– Service only – in this case, only the FTP service will be installed, which will not be accessible through the interface. This option is preferable if you plan to manage the FTP server from another computer.
– Interface only – unlike the previous point, only the graphical management interface of the server is installed, but not the server itself. Use this option only if you want remote access to your FTP server.
– Custom installation – choose what you want to install and enjoy the freedom 🙂

In addition, you need to choose the method of installation and launch of Filezilla Server:
– As a service and start at system login
– As a service and start manually
– Simple installation, start manually

The main difference between the second and third options is that in the second case, to manage the server operation, you will need to go to “Control Panel – Administration – Services Management”, find the service in the list of all available ones and start it, which, you must agree, is not always convenient.

Sorted out the initial installation parameters? Let’s move on… now you need to specify the port to which the FTP server management interface will be connected. There is port 21 and the standard 14147 port, which – if you plan to use the server on an open networked machine – is recommended to be changed to something less standard.

Also, you need to decide whether to start the FTP server after installation or not, and choose a launch option from the three available:
– At system login, for all users (if you are the only user of the computer – this option is for you)
– At system login, for the current user (an option optimal for a computer used by several people)
– Manually (the FTP server starts with the system)

After that, press the “Install” button and wait….

Finally, Filezilla Server is installed. A window appears,
connect to server
in which you need to specify the address and port through which you will connect. In addition, you need to specify the administrator password (by default, it is absent). IMPORTANT: your local server address: – is not available for external requests 😉 Want to make the server accessible to the external network – read below.

Initial Filezilla Server settings are available via “Edit -> Settings” or by clicking on the icon:
filezilla server - settings

In the opened window:
filezilla server - settings panel

you have access to the following settings (from top to bottom):
– The port to connect to your server
– Maximum number of ports
– Total number of threads
– Timeout options

Since we are now considering the initial stage of server setup, we will be interested only in the first two parameters. One important thing – if you decide to change the standard port – do not forget to inform all users about it 🙂

Now about the maximum number of connections. Zero, indicated in the “Default” mode, means that the number of connections is unlimited. That is, you only need to adjust this parameter if your bandwidth is too weak for all connecting users.

Continuation – coming soon. Subscribe for updates and don’t forget to share the post on social networks!

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